Let's get started

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Getting to know you

Tell us who you are

{{ errors[0] }} {{ errors[0] }} {{ errors[0] }}
We need a location, but it can just be a city
{{ errors[0] }}
Nice to meet you {{ registerForm.name }}!

What's your current role

{{ errors[0] }}
That's great

What tech stacks and tools do you enjoy the most?

what's this?
Please select up to 4 frameworks or tools (not programming languages). They should be the tools you know best and most want to work with
Sorry, we need at least one tool or framework what's this?
Please select up to 4 programming languages. They should be the languages you know best and most want to work with
Sorry, we need your languages
Nice stack!

What skills do you want to use in your next role?

what's this?
Please select up to 4 relevant skills you have. Choose your best 4 or the ones you most want to use in your work
Sorry, we need your skills
You've got skills!

Show off some of your favorite projects. Add more later.

(Or skip this and add them later)

{{ errors[0] }} {{ errors[0] }} {{ errors[0] }} {{ errors[0] }} {{ errors[0] }}
+Add another project
Happy Astronaut
Congratulations {{ registerForm.name }}!

Your profile is ready!

creating profile...